Established in 1970

A Friendly Society

2025 Joint Conference on Electrostatics Registration

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This form allows you to register for the conference and make a payment for your guest's participation in the welcome reception and conference banquet. Please select the appropriate options below and press "submit", this will take you to the PayPal payment site where you can complete your transaction using a credit card or PayPal account.


Conference Registration

Conference registration fees include breakfasts, lunches & coffee breaks, welcome reception and banquet dinner.

Conference Registration (in US Dollars, Early Bird Rates ends on May 16th, 2025)

* includes 1 year membership to the ESA

Full Papers to Be Submitted to IEEE Xplore?

Please check the box below if you would like to submit a full paper for publication in IEEE Xplore. Note that the fee is $22 per paper.


Please check the box below if you would like to include any guests in the conference's welcome reception and the banquet dinner.


Dietary Preference for the Conference Banquet

Dietary Preference for the Conference Banquet

Order Summary
